Friday, October 18, 2019

Statement of Career Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Statement of Career Goals - Essay Example I believe this noble phrase is relevant to my case and pursuit of excellence. After my MBA attainment, I still feel incomplete and seek to pursue education to the heights and exhaust management concepts. Besides, I am aware of the increasing dynamism in any social organization hence need to adopt culture of flexibility. In that respect, I strive to take up more courses related to management and grasp ICT concepts which has proved to be instrumental in the contemporary management practices. I strongly believe in ethical practices in line with the requirements of good administration responsibilities. My current enrolment for MPA (Master In Public Administration) graduate program is targeted at strengthening my ability to realize desirable results for any organization and assignment. I strongly believe that blending my theoretical knowledge with practical application in management will bring about the best in me. My central goal is to become an acclaimed public administrator with critical management

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